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  • Manual Handling Module - GWO BST

    ¿A quién está dirigido?


    Requisitos del curso

    Duración del curso

    Certificación y Validez

    Precio del curso

    Contenido del curso

    ¿A quién está dirigido?

    The Manual Handling of Loads course is designed for professionals working in the wind industry, especially those performing tasks related to the handling of equipment and materials in wind turbines. This course is essential for all technicians and operators looking to improve their skills in the safe handling of loads, minimizing the risk of injuries.


    The main objective of the GWO Manual Handling of Loads course is to provide participants with the necessary tools to:

    • Understand best practices in manual load handling, including the proper use of equipment.
    • Identify signs and symptoms of injuries caused by improper manual handling.
    • Understand problem-solving related to load handling in the context of a wind turbine.
    • Know and demonstrate risk reduction techniques in manual load handling.

    Requisitos del curso

    • Must be over 18 years old.
    • Adequate physical fitness for the activity.
    • No prior experience is required.

    Duración del curso

    • The course lasts for 4 hours, combining theory and practice to ensure effective and applicable learning.

    Certificación y Validez

    Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate validating their training in Manual Handling of Loads. This course is valid for 24 months, with the possibility of renewal at any certified GWO center with a three-month notice period, without penalty.

    Precio del curso

    • Initial Course: €175
    • Refresher Course: €110
      The price includes all necessary materials for training and practical exercises in a controlled environment.

    Contenido del curso

    The course covers the following topics:

    • Legislation on load handling.
    • Identification of associated risks and hazards.
    • Anatomy of the spine and proper postures.
    • Load lifting planning.
    • Risk control and lifting techniques.
    • Safe behavior in a wind turbine according to GWO standards.
    • Practical exercises in a real and controlled context.

    Who is it for?




    Certification and Validity


    Course Content

    Who is it for?

    The Manual Handling of Loads course is designed for professionals working in the wind industry, especially those performing tasks related to the handling of equipment and materials in wind turbines. This course is essential for all technicians and operators looking to improve their skills in the safe handling of loads, minimizing the risk of injuries.


    The main objective of the GWO Manual Handling of Loads course is to provide participants with the necessary tools to:

    • Understand best practices in manual load handling, including the proper use of equipment.
    • Identify signs and symptoms of injuries caused by improper manual handling.
    • Understand problem-solving related to load handling in the context of a wind turbine.
    • Know and demonstrate risk reduction techniques in manual load handling.


    • Must be over 18 years old.
    • Adequate physical fitness for the activity.
    • No prior experience is required.


    • The course lasts for 4 hours, combining theory and practice to ensure effective and applicable learning.

    Certification and Validity

    Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate validating their training in Manual Handling of Loads. This course is valid for 24 months, with the possibility of renewal at any certified GWO center with a three-month notice period, without penalty.


    • Initial Course: €175
    • Refresher Course: €110
      The price includes all necessary materials for training and practical exercises in a controlled environment.

    Course Content

    The course covers the following topics:

    • Legislation on load handling.
    • Identification of associated risks and hazards.
    • Anatomy of the spine and proper postures.
    • Load lifting planning.
    • Risk control and lifting techniques.
    • Safe behavior in a wind turbine according to GWO standards.
    • Practical exercises in a real and controlled context.

    Planifica tu curso

    Plan your course

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