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  • Electricity Module - GWO BTT

    ¿A quién está dirigido?


    Requisitos del curso

    Duración del curso

    Certificación y Validez

    Precio del curso

    Contenido del curso

    ¿A quién está dirigido?

    This module is aimed at professionals in the wind industry who wish to acquire basic knowledge in electricity to perform electrical tasks under the supervision of an experienced technician. It is ideal for technicians and personnel seeking training in safe electrical procedures and the proper handling of personal protective equipment (PPE).


    This specific module of the GWO BTT course aims to train participants in the technical aspects of electricity related to the wind industry. Technicians will learn to work safely with electrical systems in wind turbines, perform maintenance tasks, and understand the risks associated with electrical work at height.

    Requisitos del curso

    • Must be over 18 years old.
    • No prior experience is required.

    Duración del curso

    The total duration of the BTT Electricity course is 9 hours and 55 minutes.

    Certificación y Validez

    The Electricity BTT module provides certification without an expiration date, so no periodic renewals are required.

    Precio del curso

    • Complete Course: €360

    Contenido del curso

    The BTT Electricity module provides comprehensive theoretical and practical training to equip participants with essential knowledge in electricity:

    • Introduction to electricity
    • Electrical safety
    • Electrical components
    • Sensors
    • Electrical circuits
    • Electrical measuring instruments
    • Summary and theoretical test
    • Review of training

    Who is it for?




    Certification and Validity


    Course Content

    Who is it for?

    This module is aimed at professionals in the wind industry who wish to acquire basic knowledge in electricity to perform electrical tasks under the supervision of an experienced technician. It is ideal for technicians and personnel seeking training in safe electrical procedures and the proper handling of personal protective equipment (PPE).


    This specific module of the GWO BTT course aims to train participants in the technical aspects of electricity related to the wind industry. Technicians will learn to work safely with electrical systems in wind turbines, perform maintenance tasks, and understand the risks associated with electrical work at height.


    • Must be over 18 years old.
    • No prior experience is required.


    The total duration of the BTT Electricity course is 9 hours and 55 minutes.

    Certification and Validity

    The Electricity BTT module provides certification without an expiration date, so no periodic renewals are required.


    • Complete Course: €360

    Course Content

    The BTT Electricity module provides comprehensive theoretical and practical training to equip participants with essential knowledge in electricity:

    • Introduction to electricity
    • Electrical safety
    • Electrical components
    • Sensors
    • Electrical circuits
    • Electrical measuring instruments
    • Summary and theoretical test
    • Review of training

    Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

    • Explain the fundamentals of electricity and the risks associated with electrical work.
    • Identify and recognize the function of electrical components and their symbols.
    • Interpret simple electrical diagrams and assemble circuits.
    • Perform safe and accurate measurements in electrical systems.

    Planifica tu curso

    Plan your course

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