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  • Fire Awareness Module - GWO BST

    ¿A quién está dirigido?


    Requisitos del curso

    Duración del curso

    Certificación y Validez

    Precio del curso

    Contenido del curso

    ¿A quién está dirigido?

    The Fire Awareness module is aimed at all workers in the wind industry who wish to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent and manage fire situations in wind farms. This course is essential for those working in environments where the risk of fire can be significant.


    • React appropriately upon discovering a fire in a wind turbine, including the proper use of extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment.
    • Acquire knowledge about the development and spread of fire.
    • Understand the causes of fire in a wind turbine and related damages.
    • Identify any signs of fire in the environment of a wind turbine.
    • Know the contingency plans, including smoke detection and evacuation procedures.

    Requisitos del curso

    • Must be over 18 years old.
    • Adequate physical fitness for the activity.
    • No prior experience is required.

    Duración del curso

    The Fire Awareness module lasts for 4 hours, combining theoretical and practical exercises to ensure comprehensive and effective training.

    Certificación y Validez

    Upon completing the module, you will receive:

    • GWO Digital Certificate
      The certificate is valid for 24 months and can be renewed at any audited GWO center with a three-month notice period without penalty.

    Precio del curso

    • Initial Course: €175
    • Refresher: €110
      The price includes all necessary materials.

    Contenido del curso

    1. The Fire Awareness module aims to train participants in fire prevention and management. The topics covered include:
      • Legislation: Knowledge of applicable regulations and standards.
      • Combustion Phenomenon and Fire Spread: Understanding how a fire occurs and spreads.
      • Extinguishing Mechanisms: Techniques and methods for extinguishing fires.
      • Fire Prevention: Strategies to avoid risky situations.
      • Fire Extinguishing Equipment in a Wind Turbine: Proper use of available resources.
      • Practical Exercises: Simulations in a real context, in a controlled space and environment, allowing participants to apply what they have learned.

    Who is it for?




    Certification and Validity


    Course Content

    Who is it for?

    The Fire Awareness module is aimed at all workers in the wind industry who wish to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent and manage fire situations in wind farms. This course is essential for those working in environments where the risk of fire can be significant.


    • React appropriately upon discovering a fire in a wind turbine, including the proper use of extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment.
    • Acquire knowledge about the development and spread of fire.
    • Understand the causes of fire in a wind turbine and related damages.
    • Identify any signs of fire in the environment of a wind turbine.
    • Know the contingency plans, including smoke detection and evacuation procedures.


    • Must be over 18 years old.
    • Adequate physical fitness for the activity.
    • No prior experience is required.


    The Fire Awareness module lasts for 4 hours, combining theoretical and practical exercises to ensure comprehensive and effective training.

    Certification and Validity

    Upon completing the module, you will receive:

    • GWO Digital Certificate
      The certificate is valid for 24 months and can be renewed at any audited GWO center with a three-month notice period without penalty.


    • Initial Course: €175
    • Refresher: €110
      The price includes all necessary materials.

    Course Content

    1. The Fire Awareness module aims to train participants in fire prevention and management. The topics covered include:
      • Legislation: Knowledge of applicable regulations and standards.
      • Combustion Phenomenon and Fire Spread: Understanding how a fire occurs and spreads.
      • Extinguishing Mechanisms: Techniques and methods for extinguishing fires.
      • Fire Prevention: Strategies to avoid risky situations.
      • Fire Extinguishing Equipment in a Wind Turbine: Proper use of available resources.
      • Practical Exercises: Simulations in a real context, in a controlled space and environment, allowing participants to apply what they have learned.

    Planifica tu curso

    Plan your course

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